Kernels of Culture

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The Stephen & Peter Sachs Museum invites art teachers throughout the St. Louis, MO region to submit artworks by their students answering the directive below for inclusion in an exhibition of Community Art.

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all K-12 students in and around the St. Louis, Missouri region.

DIRECTIVE: Imagine, design, and create a two-dimensional (2D) artwork interpretation of how you and your family (or friends) enjoy corn best in your life. Do you like to grow it? Eat it? Or make foods with it? Or is it your most favorite plant in the whole world? Artwork will be submitted digitally so please make sure the details are clear for the best quality submission.


  1. Only original student work will be shown, and must be completed in 2023. No videos or 3D work (sculptures) will be considered however photos of 3D works will be considered if submitted. Works will be accepted in the form of painting, drawing, printmaking, or 2-D mixed media but to be submitted digitally at 300dpi or higher.
  2. Digital files should not be larger than 10x15 inches for file size. The selected artworks will be printed to this size for display in the exhibition and will be installed in the lower gallery at the Sachs Museum on the grounds of the Missouri Botanical Garden as part of a larger exhibition on maize in science, history, and art.
  3. All submissions should be submitted digitally (300 dpi). If this is a hardship, please contact Nezka Pfeifer ( to make alternative arrangements.
  4. COMPLETE entry form information must be submitted with each artwork submitted for consideration. This means it also will need to get submitted through the digital platform, so please have it ready to upload as part of the submission. Work submitted without complete information will not be considered for exhibition.
  5. Maximum number of submissions: TWENTY-FIVE (25) submissions per art teacher per school.
  6. Art teachers will be emailed a link to a submission platform after the intent for participation is confirmed.
  7. All work submitted will be subject to a juried competition for inclusion in the final exhibition. Submitting a work does not guarantee it will appear in the exhibition.
  8. Works will not be for sale to the public.


JURORS: A panel of selected museum professionals and Garden employees will select works for display in the exhibition. Not all works submitted will be selected for the exhibition.
LIABILITY: All possible care will be taken in the handling and replication of entries. Entrants accept that the Stephen and Peter Sachs Museum, the Missouri Botanical Garden, and its staff, employees, volunteers, and governing boards are not responsible for loss or damage of any entry. We reserve the right to use the images chosen for the exhibition to promote the museum exhibition in all forms of media (printed, social, or televised).

Exhibition: Kernels of Culture: Student Community Art at MOBOT
Date on View: May 2024 to March 2025
Location: Stephen and Peter Sachs Museum at the Missouri Botanical Garden
Intent to Participate Due: September 29, 2023

Art teachers receive digital submission link: November 1, 2023
Deadline for Submissions (DIGITAL): December 20, 2023
Jury Selection of Artworks: January 2024
Notification of selections to teachers: Early February 2024
Exhibition installation: April 2024

User Entry Process Tutorial